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Innovative Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Care

One Patient at a Time

Visit Desert Prostate Specialists for Compassionate Cancer Diagnosis and Care

At Desert Prostate Specialists in Rancho Mirage, CA, we provide compassionate cancer care for patients with prostate cancer or those diagnosed with low-grade or early prostate cancer. The very idea of having cancer or needing a biopsy can be an extremely scary time for patients, and we strive to make your visits with us as comfortable as possible. When it comes to your prostate health, it’s crucial to trust the experts. A general urologist may not have the specialized knowledge required for effective prostate cancer treatment. At Desert Prostate Specialists, our team of experts focuses exclusively on prostate health, providing the highest cure rates and most advanced care available. Visit our freestanding cancer treatment center in Rancho Mirage, CA to receive the highest-quality cancer diagnosis procedures and treatments available.

Fast, Painless Prostate Cancer Evaluations

At Desert Prostate Specialists, we understand that the thought of a biopsy can be daunting. That’s why we’ve designed our painless biopsy procedures using a variety of diagnostic tools and technologies to make prostate cancer screening comprehensive, safe, and stress-free. Our painless approach means you do not need to let a low-grade diagnosis become a bigger issue—our painless, safe biopsies mean you can address potential problems early and efficiently.

Learn More

Dr. David Schreiber of Desert Prostate Specialists

Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

While most prostate cancers progress slowly, some grow rapidly and spread, making an accurate diagnosis crucial to determining future treatment options. Prostate cancer treatment typically includes brachytherapy or ultrasound/MRI fusion techniques, and sometimes, a combination of both. Brachytherapy, which is a common form of radiation therapy used to treat prostate cancer, has different types and different ways of being administered. At Desert Prostate Specialists we offer, in addition to full prostate brachytherapy, a specialized form of brachytherapy called focal brachytherapy which also employs ultrasound/MRI fusion techniques. This form of brachytherapy is appropriate for patients with cancer on one side of their prostate gland. Call Desert Prostate Specialists today to learn more about your prostate cancer treatment options.

Desert Prostate Specialists

35-800 Bob Hope Dr, Suite 215
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Desert Prostate Specialists, Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA, USA

Compassionate Cancer Care in Rancho Mirage, CA